Moses Lee

Moses Lee

Moses Lee was born in Singapore, studied in Oregon, USA and migrated to Melbourne, Australia in 2010.  Married to Yen Ming, they have three children, Monica, Brendan and Ian.  Prior to serving at Manningham Uniting Church (MUC), he was in the publishing industry for almost 30 years.

As the Operations Manager, his work can be summed up as the liaison person for the day-to-day running of the Church.  He serves in the Ministry and Administration HUB, the heartbeat of the MUC congregation and his home at work, alongside very capable volunteers to ensure all operational matters are managed and executed.  This also includes any Human Resource matters for the Church.  

He also chairs the Co-ordination Team, where he meets monthly with the Conveners or the Representatives of the seven Portfolios.  In this role, he acts as the conduit between the Church Council and the members of the different Portfolios.  Serving as a communication link of key matters, proposals and actions between the Council, the Portfolios and the Church.

As part of the Ministry Team, he helps provide practical and operational support, as much of his day-to-day work involves him in meetings with the members of MUC.  He has become the “go to” person for many who come into the HUB during the week, to listen to their concerns, to assist them with their enquiries and follow up on their requests.  

The aspect of his work which he seems to enjoy most is being able to greet people with a smile, engage with people in their joys and disappointments and to share his faith through his smile and his listening ear.

The Hub Admin team
Jeanette Bernet